Knights of RedCliff: The Series Wiki
Asantias Skyfire

Asantias Skyfire is a primary protagonist in Knights of RedCliff: The Series.


Asantias Skyfire (Full name Asantias Ouranos Skyfire) is a High Rank in RedCliff, KotSS, and WAI. His favorite weapons are the Knights of the Splintered Skies Sword and RedCliff Sword and Shield. He is also one of the few people in the Skyfire family trained in the ways of using Aether, a type of fire mixed with air, it is possible he was taught by Luke himself.


He is very comedic and humorous, yet loves combat... and mead. During trainings, he'll make jokes and goof off at appropriate times. He loves being in taverns... as that's technically his favorite place to be.


He never shows his face, as he always wears a blue Dominus hood over his head. He also wears Alar Knight armor.


He is below the skill levels of Sir Buck and Sir Super in Sword and Shield, but proficient at Linked Sword.

Clans and Ranks

  • Knights of RedCliff - Knight of the Order (High Rank)
  • Knights of the Splintered Skies - Firmament Commander (High Rank)
  • Wizards of the Astral Isles - Archivist (High Rank)


The ACTUAL player of Asantias Skyfire is Prisrae.

